A message from the Texas Academy of Family Physicians
- Payment and system reform
- Accountable care organizations
- Patient-centered medical home
- Direct primary care
Family Physicians Embracing Change
Health care delivery and payment are rapidly changing, and we don’t expect the changes to slow down anytime soon. Medicare and private insurers are testing new payment models to move away from fee-for-service to a value-based system that rewards quality and outcomes. Family medicine is foundational to any organizational shift to achieve higher quality and affordable health care. Now is the time for family physicians to embrace and lead change in our healthcare system.
Payment and system reform
Health care reform is constantly in the news these days, meaning things are fluid and ever-changing. Learn about clinical integration, see videos from TAFP’s Payment Reform Summit, and more.
Accountable care organizations
Health care providers from all types of practices are joining together to create ACOs, a health care model where all participating providers share responsibility for the quality, cost, and care coordination for their patients. Use these ACO resources to achieve the triple aim for your patients.
Patient-centered medical home
This health care delivery model is based on the relationship between a patient and their personal primary care physician. Check out TAFP’s PCMH resources to educate yourself, your colleagues, and your patients on the medical home.
Direct primary care
Family physicians have more time with patients in this alternative to fee-for-service model where patients are charged a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee that can cover all primary care services. Learn more about DPC with these TAFP resources.